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088: How can we make time for strategy when our days are so busy?

This is a question I'm frequently asked, so I have dedicated an episode to delve into the answers...

The common concern I hear is that schools are massively busy and having a comprehensive strategic plan will give staff even more to do.

In this episode, I demonstrate how it can actually be the opposite - developing a strategic plan which flows down into everyday activities is the best way to prioritise projects and ensure people have time to do the important things well.

Strategy is how you're going to approach your day to day work to make it more effective, overcome the challenges you face and reach your long-term goals.

References and Resources

For support with the Ukraine crisis and the wider impact it can have on your school, take a look at my new resource: Preparing for economic downturn: A checklist for private schools

Catch up on previous podcast episodes at


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