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014: How to involve people in strategy (Strategy Toolkit 3)

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In this episode, I continue to build a Strategy Toolkit by examining how best to involve staff, pupils, alumni and parents in strategy development. I look at how this can be a balance between involving people enough for them to feel committed, but not so much that the strategy becomes diluted.

To this end, I outline two things you may need to consider to ensure that you get the balance right for your school:

Firstly, I look at how there should be a gradient of involvement, with each group of people involved to a different extent. I suggest ways to facilitate discussion with staff and to involve pupils, parents and alumni in the process.

Secondly, I explore how asking for volunteers amongst staff can ensure a diverse input of views and opinions. Finally, I discuss the importance of setting parameters for this involvement and being clear about who makes the ultimate decision.

This is the third podcast episode in my Strategy Toolkit series. In the previous two episodes I outlined the importance of reviewing your strategy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the four essential building blocks of a robust strategy

Episode highlights

  • The balance of involvement (01:20)

  • The gradient of involvement (01:30)

  • Asking for volunteers (05:10)

  • Setting parameters for involvement and being clear about who makes the decision (06:30)

References and resources

Strategic Response Discussion: There are details about this service on my homepage. Do email me if you’re interested in me facilitating a discussion for your organisation.

Strategy briefing videos covering a variety of topics including the benefits of an ambidextrous strategy during recession

Fundraising Focus Programme: Expert fundraising advice to fit your school's budget

Find out more about Juliet Corbett’s work with independent schools and discover a host of free resources for schools at


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